On June 10, 2022, a Warranty Deed was filed with the Montville Town Clerk formally gifting the synagogue parcel of our NEHFES site to the The Archaeological Conservancy (TAC). Purchased by Society Agudas Achim on January 4, 1892, 130 years ago, this precious part of our heritage will now be nationally recognized, continuously researched and enhanced for future generations of NEHFES descendants! Kelley Berliner, TAC’s Eastern Regional Director, says that this tract of land is one of the most extensive and well studied American Jewish Archaeological Site in the country!
The transfer of this vital part of our history, ensuring its preservation in perpetuity, was the culmination of decades of dedicated work by NEHFES president Nancy R. Savin and a small coterie of NEHFES descendents. Heartfelt thanks are owed to our pro bono real estate attorney Candice Savin of Westport, Connecticut, for her generous and unflagging work in making this happen.
TAC issued the following press release regarding the gift (download pdf):