The Reactivation of NEHFES
Following the decline of the Chesterfield-area Jewish community in the 1930s, the synagogue continued to be open on high holidays into the 1950s, but was eventually abandoned and was destroyed by arson in 1975.
In the mid-1980s the loving descendants of some of the original NEHFES families decided to memorialize the former synagogue site, and a handsome Mt. Rushmore granite monument was dedicated at a September 28, 1986, ceremony in conjunction with the Town of Montville’s Bicentennial. Cantor Arthur S. Koret of the Emanuel Synagogue in West Hartford beautifully chanted the traditional memorial prayer “Ayl Moly Rachamim,” and Bernard Wax, Director of the American Jewish Historical Society, and Jack Shanahan, Executive Director of the Connecticut Historical Commission, spoke in support of the commemorative monument and its history.

Dedication of granite monument at synagogue site, Sept. 28, 1986
(photo courtesy of Connecticut State Historic Preservation Office)
In 2006, with the help of Attorney Karl Fleischmann of Hartford, 19 loyal descendants legally reactivated NEHFES as a (501)(c)(3) not-for-profit religious organization in the State of Connecticut. The organization took possession of the historic "synagogue parcel" that contains the stone remains of the foundation of Connecticut’s first rural synagogue and the stone remains of the foundation of the congregation’s community house and mikveh (ritual bath). The mikveh, a small stone-stepped pool, replicates a ritually proscribed Judaic tradition that dates back more than 2,000 years to the mikva’ot (plural) found in the Roman Galilee period. Although the abutting parcel containing the stone foundation of the community's creamery is owned by the Connecticut Department of Transportation, NEHFES has taken an active role in ensuring that parcel's historic preservation.
Preservation and Research Efforts
Under the dedicated leadership of president Nancy R. Savin, NEHFES has successfully completed, and continues to pursue, numerous projects to preserve the historic site and support research on the historic community. In 2007, the combined synagogue and creamery parcels were designated Connecticut’s 24th State Archaeological Preserve, and in 2012 were listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Remains of the community mikveh, which has been the site of extensive archaeological research
Previous Preservation
and Research Projects

Site Named Connecticut Archaeological Preserve
The NEHFES Synagogue and Creamery Site was named Connecticut's 24th state archaeological preserve in 2007. Photo shows Edward D. Baker, London County Historical Society's Executive Director, posting the sign at the site.

National Register of Historic Places
The NEHFES Synagogue and Creamery Site was listed on February 28, 2012.

Mikveh Excavation
A team from the University of Connecticut, under the direction of Drs. Nicholas F. Bellantoni and Stuart S. Miller, have conducted major excavations and research on the NEHFES mikveh.

Translation of Yiddish Minutes & Ledger Book
Miriam Leberstein translated our precious NEHFES Minutes and Ledger Book, covering activities of the community from 1892-1933. Our document archives contains a link to the book.
Ongoing Preservation
and Research Projects

Synagogue Foundation
We are embarked on a significant rehabilitation of the Chesterfield synagogue's stone foundation to enhance and lend integrity to the historic site.

Transfer of Synagogue Parcel
In 2022 we transferred our historic site to The Archaeological Conservancy in order to ensure its long-term preservation. Click here to learn more about The New England Hebrew Farmers of the Emanuel Society Synagogue, Shoyket's House, and Mikveh Archaeological Preserve.

Creamery Foundation
We are raising funds for a future project to stabilize the fragile creamery foundation walls.

Creamery Parcel
We hope to coordinate with the CDOT regarding the closing of the intersection near the creamery site and the site's possible reunificaton with the synagogue site.
Officers and Board of Directors
Nancy R. Savin, Riverdale, NY, President & Executive Director
(Harris & Vigasseh Kaplan / Henoch & Rochel Ritch / Jacob & Sarah Savin)
John D. Lieberman, Newport, KY, Vice President & Treasurer
(Morris & Sophie Cohen / Herman Nissensohn)
Lester M. Cohen, Medfield, MA, Vice President & Membership Treasurer
(Max & Augusta Chutroo)
Joanne Nelson, Southbury, CT, Recording Secretary
(Harris & Vigasseh Kaplan)
Barbara Ball Buff, New York, NY
(Henoch & Rochel Ritch)
Nancy D. Butler, Waterford, CT
(Falk & Sarah Hollandersky)
Rachel Ellins Iozzia, Longmont, CO
(Henoch & Rochel Ritch)
John L. Kaplan, Marlborough, CT
(Harris & Vigasseh Kaplan)
Michael S. Kirsch, Granger, IN, Webmaster
(Meyer Ruben & Sarah Kirsch)
Paul Roochnik, Bethesda, MD
(Harris & Vigasseh Kaplan)
Yohanna S. Willheim, Riverdale, NY
(Henoch & Rochel Ritch / Jacob & Sarah Savin)
Advisory Board
Nicholas F. Bellantoni, Ph.D., Former Connecticut State Archaeologist,
Office of State Archaeology, Storrs, CT
Kelley Berliner, Northeastern Regional Director, TAC
(The Archeological Conservancy of America)
Mary M. Donohue, Assistant Publisher, Connecticut Explored,
West Hartford, CT
Dr. Stuart S. Miller, Professor of Hebrew, History and Judaic Studies
and Associate Director for Judaic Studies and Contemporary Jewish Life, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT
Mandy M. Ranslow, Advisory Council for Historic Preservation,
Washington, DC
Faline Schneiderman, Historical Perspectives Inc., Westport, CT
Members (Current and Past) and Descendants
Dr. Emily M. Agree, Baltimore, MD
(Harris & Vigasseh Kaplan)
Ellie Rae Balatovsky, Milwaukee, WI
(Henoch & Rochel Ritch)
Ruby Lou Balatovsky, Milwaukee, WI
(Henoch & Rochel Ritch)
Marilyn Buchenholtz, Tucson, AZ
(Max & Hannah Hirschmann)
Samuel A. Cohen, Princeton, NJ
(Max & Augusta Chutroo)
Norman Cooper, Oakdale, CT
Brad Ellins, Greeley, CO
(Henoch & Rochel Ritch)
Scott Epstein, Jenison, MI
(Falk & Sarah Hollandersky)
Edward Feltcorn, Fairfax, VA
(Max & Ida Rosofsky)
Ina Freifeld, Napa, CA
(Henoch & Ruth Ritch}
George Glass, Ridgeland, MS
Blanche Savin Goldenberg, West Hartford, CT
(Henoch & Rochel Ritch / Jacob & Sara Savin)
Dr. Steven A. Goodman, San Antonio, TX
(Meyer Ruben & Sarah Kirsch)
Allan E. Goodstone, New City, NY
(Abraham & Rebecca Galper)
Ruth Savin Greenberg, Bedford, MA
(Henoch & Ruth Ritch / Jacob & Sarah Savin)
Dennis Hoffman, Middle City, NY
(Max & Hannah Hirschmann)
Sara Hollander, Toronto, Canada
(Falk & Sarah Hollandersky)
Brenna Kaplan, Chicago, IL
(Harris & Vigasseh Kaplan)
Sheila Lorraine Katz, Toronto, Canada
(Pesach & Esther Kaplan Ribner)
Gregory J. Kirsch, Atlanta, GA
(Meyer Ruben & Sarah Kirsch)
Myron Kirsch, Sandy Springs, GA
(Meyer Ruben & Sarah Kirsch)
Steven Kirsch, Arlington, VA
(Meyer Ruben & Sarah Kirsch)
Dr. Wolff Mayer Kirsch, z"l
(Meyer Ruben & Sarah Kirsch)
Andrew Lieberman, Weatogue, CT
(Morris & Sophie Cohen / Herman Nissensohn)
Marc Lipoff, Ann Arbor, MI
(Chaim Schaefer)
David Margolick, New York, NY
(David & Esther Kaplan Ribner)
Mindy Martorana, Mattituck, NY
(Henoch and Rochel Ritch)
Amy Meisner, Los Angeles, CA
(Harris & Vigasseh Kaplan)
Seth Mitchell, New York, NY
(Joseph & Sara Eitan)
Allen I. Polsby, Bethesda, MD
(Max Polsky)
Larry and Joan Rendeley, Toronto, Ontario
Fred Ribner, Portland, OR
(Pesach & Esther Kaplan Ribner)
Myra Monfort Runyan, Fort Collins, CO
(Henoch & Rochel Ritch / Jacob & Sarah Savin)
Kenneth Sager, Irving, TX
(Harris & Vigasseh Kaplan)
Candi Savin & Dan Gross, Westport, CT
(Kaplan, Ritch, Savin)
Dr. Daniel Wolf Savin, New York, NY
(Henoch & Rochel Ritch / Jacob & Sarah Savin)
Rishy and Scott Savin, Aventura, FL
(Henoch & Rochel Ritch / Jacob & Sarah Savin)
Jeffrey and Ana Schneider, Stonington, CT
(Jonah & Mollie Schneider)
Julie Schneider, Virgin Islands
(Jonah & Mollie Schneider)
Mark A. Schneider, Celebration, FL
(Jonah & Mollie Schneider)
Jerome A. Schwell, Ledyard, CT
(Ike & Annie Schwell)
Sue Conroy Snyder, Abington, PA
(Harris & Lizzie Kantrowitz)
Jesse Szewczyk-Buff, New York, NY
(Henoch & Rochel Ritch)
Linda Hollandersky Walker, McDonough, GA
(Jacob & Sara Hollandersky)
Dr. Stan Wasserman, Bloomington, IN
(Jacob & Sara Hollandersky)
Dr. Erica Willheim, New York, NY
(Henoch & Rochel Ritch / Jacob & Sarah Savin)
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